About us
Who We Are
The European Academy of the Regions – Académie européenne des régions (EAR-AER) is an international non-profit and non-political association, founded in 2014 in Brussels, Belgium.
European network of non-profit associations, municipalities and regions
EAR-AER’s Mission
The aim of the EAR-AER is to promote the idea of regionalization and of regional action as a tool for employment and wealth creation.
Builds trust and a strong business network for its members and partners for the long – term.
Organises economic and fact finding missions.
Promotes and defends the autonomy of regional and local authorities and their right to have adequate financial resources to enable them to exercise their responsibilities.
Supports cooperation between regional and local authorities of the Member States, neighbouring states and partner countries.

EAR-AER (European Academy of the Regions – Academie européenne des régions) was founded and registered in 2014 in Wezembeek-Oppem, Belgium at the Ministry of Justice as an International non-profit Association (AISBL – association internationale sans but lucratif / internationale vereniging zonder winsoogmerk -ISBL) subject to and in accordance with the Belgian law of 27 June 1921 concerning non-profit-making associations, international non-profit-making associations and foundations under the number BE0546.777.716.
EAR-AER subscribed to the European Commission’s Register of Interest representatives and to the related code of conduct as requested by the European Transparency Initiative under the number 925546214858-78.
EAR-AER is registered as legal entity to the Education and Culture Directorate-General and the Education, Audio-visual and Culture Executive Agency of the European Commission under the Participant Identification Code (PIC) number 901780289.
EAR-AER is registered as legal entity to the EuropeAid with ID number BE-2021-BPQ-2001009013
EAR-AER accounting is held by the company ADD Consult in accordance with Belgian law.
EAR AER is exempt from VAT.
EAR-AER bank details: IBAN: BE79 6430 0745 4933, AION Belgium, Swift: BMPBBEBB