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During his meeting with Estonian Foreign Minister Marina Kaljurand on 11 May Minister-president Bourgeois announced that he will support the Estonian Centre of Eastern Partnership (ECEAP).

ECEAP focuses on cooperation between the European Union and countries such as Ukraine and Belarus, where Estonia as a former Soviet republic has historical ties with.

Bourgeois selected a project of ECEAP which provides training for officials and political representatives of local authorities from Ukraine to integrate civil society in decision making processes. Bourgeois: Through this support, we stand by Ukraine in terms of building a democratic state, which is also part of the Ukrainian commitments in the Association Agreement with the European Union.”

The grant of 25,000 euros from the Government of Flanders enables the ECEAP to identify stakeholders and to offer them a three-day training in Estonia, followed by a two-day training on location in Ukraine.

Minister-president Bourgeois completed his mission to the Baltic States on 12 May in Tallinn.
