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Dear Madam, Dear Sir,

We are delighted to invite you to our sixth meeting “Coffee of Regions”, followed by a debate, organised by European Academy of the Regions which will be held on the 29th of November 2016 at 9.30h to 11.30h at the CORREGGIO HOUSE in Rue Le Corrège, 93, 1000 Brussels (metro: Schuman).

The debate will follow a presentation about the benefits of regionalisation without being a threat to a central government by Mr. Louis Delcart, EAR-AER Head of the Regional Development Department.

Our honorary member, Mr. Henri Malosse, member and former president of the European Economic and Social Committee, committed to participate actively in the debate that will follow the presentation.

To confirm your participation and for further details, please contact us by e-mail at

Breakfast will be served.  (*due to the limited number of seats, first come first served).

Kind regards,

Nelu Neacsu, President of EAR-AER 


About the debate

EAR-AER has been very active in the past months. The creation of two new departments – Healthcare Innovation and Government Policy and Energy – as well as two fact finding missions to Romania and Albania, including lecturing at several universities and meetings with chambers of commerce, gave the departments a content boost. The presentation will give an overview of the findings on the various missions.

The debate tackles the regional approach, still considered in Eastern Europe as a threat for a national government. But the trend is in favour of the regional approach. More and more the feeling is that creating a decision level between the municipalities and the national state, with larger competences than the counties or provinces, that has also financial capacities, is much closer to the citizen, more aware of and focused on the specific needs of a community, and beneficial for the democratic interest of the public.

Our blog introduces the subject:

Invitation 29th November