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On 23 January 2017, EAR-AER, in cooperation with Correggio Consulting and the Flemish Government, invited to a debate on “The advantages of a Regional Approach as a Remedy against the European Gloom”, with the occasion of the New Year’s reception.

Honorary member Mr. Malosse,  keynote speaker at this event, pleaded for a stronger presence of the EU in the regions of Europe and a stronger representation and binding consultation of the regions of Europe in the European Union. The audience was informed by Mr. Neacsu about the activities of the Academy in the last year and the agenda planned for 2017 and invited to a tasting of Flemish-Brabant regional products.

We are honoured to welcome our audience as: His Excellency Andrej Lepavcov, Ambassador of the Republic of Macedonia to EU, Mr. Dragos Alexandru Banescu, chargee d’affairs ad interim of Romania, Mr.  Henri Malosse,  member and former president of the European Social and Economic Committee, honorary member of Academy, Mr. Raffaele Raja, Director of Brussels Delegation to the EU , Lombardy Region Government, Mr. Leonardo Larusso, Brussels delegation to the EU of Lombardy Region Government, Mr. Rudy Aernoudt, professor at Gent University, Mr. Brahim Alioua, Mrs. Teona Lavrelashvili, representative of “Friends of Georgia International”, Mr. Clément Bonnay,  Membre du Groupe des Employeurs at the European Social and Economic Committee, Mr. Marc Chilaud, former assistant of  Mr. Henri Malosse for the French Chambers of Commerce and Industry, Mr. Richard  MURRUGARRA – CENTURION,  MSc, Head of Healthcare Department,   Mr.  Jan Haizmann,  EAR-AER Head of Energy Department and general manager of Correggio Consulting and Mr. Stephan Ressl, EAR-AER Co-Head of Energy Department and Mrs. Beatrice Calancea.

EAR Reception 020 EAR Reception 031