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European Academy of the Regions has joined the initiative of the PRO
ERUDITIO, a non-profit and non-political organization that was established in July 2010 in Pitesti, Romania, in order to promote the educational project
Improving Integrated Approach Strategies for formal, Non-formal and Informal Education in Management school organization, a challenge of the 21st century.

The main event of this educational project is the International Conference on “Strategies for the Creation, Consolidation and Promotion of School-Family- Community Cooperation in the 21st Century” and will take place in Brussels, to the end of June 2019.
The conference is aimed at teaching staff involved in university and pre-university education, master students and doctoral students, scholars, librarians, archivists, students, as well as anyone interested in the active involvement of the family, school and community in the 21st century educational process.
The motto of the conference are the Henry Ford’s words “Being together is a beginning, staying together is a breakthrough, working together is a success.”
The purpose of this conference is to remove the cultural, psychological and
social barriers that block both communication and collaboration between school – family – community to the detriment of children’s interests.
To find out more about the conference contact us to the e-mail address: