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The EU’s Assembly of Regional and Local Representatives, the European Committee of the Regions (CoR) aims at re-establishing the trust of citizens in the European Union. Being composed of regionally and locally elected members, the CoR has – together with the other EU institutions – a legitimate role for shouldering its share of responsibility regarding this task. In this sense, the CoR adopted a five-year communication strategy for the period 2015-2020, which highlights the need for a better coordinated, open, two-way and participatory communication approach to reconnect the citizens with Europe.

CoR members have themselves a central role in the CoR communication strategy and communicating Europe. They are responsible for inputting information and statements reflecting the local point of view at the EU level and, at the same time, they are the most important multipliers of the CoR’s institutional messages directed at citizens and EU institutions.

The CoR can bring added value via communication activities aimed at its two main target audiences: the regional and local authorities and the EU institutions. Moreover, the CoR will make use of its (existing and new) arrangements with the other EU institutions, for example by cooperating with the communication services of the European Commission, the European Parliament and the Council of the EU.

For more information, please consult CoR’s Commu​nication strategy for 2015-2020, which will be implemented through annual Communication plans setting out a limited number of thematic priorities.

While the 2016 Communication plan focused on boosting jobs, growth and investment, highlighting the territorial dimension of the EU budget and supporting global stability through regional and local cooperation, the 2017 Communication plan proposes continuing the efforts started in 2016 and further reflecting on Europe to rebuild trust in the EU. Building on this, the 2018 Communication plan further encourages the debate on the future of the EU, EU’s future finances and EU-policy making based on local and regional evidence. Recently released, the 2019 Communication plan aims to demonstrate that regions and cities are instrumental in building a cohesive, inclusive and sustainable Europe and, therefore, that CoR must be given a stronger role on the EU decision-making process.

Should you have any questions, please contact CoR at