The one day workshop is the forth action of the project “Improvement of Women Entrepreneurship with the EU” that EAR-AER and ERSIAD are cooperating on, as part of the roll-out action on promoting female entrepreneurship within the European Project “Supporting Civil Society Dialog between EU and Turkey”.
The event will gather more than 25 participants, with representatives from public and private sector, academia and media, as well as CSOs and NGOs.
During the workshop would be presented the outcomes of the ERSIAD Brussels Study Visit (13-17 November 2019), the current EU policies and projects of the co-applicant will be presented also.
EAR-AER will be present with six delegates (Nelu, Ionica, Louis, Daniela-Silvia, Rezarta and Marilena) that will deliver presentations on the main issues related to women entrepreneurship, economy, local and regional development with the aim to provide insight into to field of women entrepreneurs from the EU perspective.