We are happy to inform you that on the 15th Mach 2022 the EAR-AER board members had an online meeting with Mr. Yurtseven Bozdemir, Mayor of Yozgat Sorgun Bahadin (Resmi Hesap) Municipality from Turkey.
The meeting was organized in the framework of the second online board of directors.
It was a successful meeting, during which several proposals were made on how to establish closer cooperation and participation of the Yozgat Sorgun Bahadin (Resmi Hesap) Municipality in future European projects.
During the meeting, Mr. Yurtseven Bozdemir expressed the intention of the municipality to join the EAR-AER. A second meeting will be organized during the 2nd Forum on Local and Regional Economic Development in Ankara in May 2022.
We thank our contact person in Turkey, Seyfettin Bogazli for facilitating this meeting and the translation.