With an article on district heating with a new biomass plant in Kosovo (https://at.tumblr.com/earaercircular/gjakova-city-in-kosovo-sets-example-in-sustainable/tbkt2yimsp9p), our blog about Circular Economy and Regional Development reached its 500th contribution today. It all started during the COVID-19 lockdown in May 2021, when we decided to follow initiatives throughout Europe and even the rest of the world on circular economy initiatives mostly made on a regional level. In the beginning, we were happy to have 20 to 30 readers. Nowadays, on average, we have 200 readers in this rather specialised matter. The blog enables us also to update our knowledge about initiatives daily and stimulates us to speeches and articles on the matter.
The last in date is The role of local authorities in ecological development (https://lodelcar.tumblr.com/post/686518258794414080/the-role-of-local-authorities-in-ecological) that was subject of a first training in Ankara in May 2022 and that will be repeated in 2023 on several locations.