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The event was organized by the Authority for the Digitization of Romania, in partnership with the "SUPORT REGIUNEA CENTRU" Association, the Association for Science, Technology and Innovative Entrepreneurs - ȘTII, and with the support of Mastercard Romania, The European Academy of the Regions - EAR of the Brașov County Council, Transilvania University of Brașov, DANUBIUS UNIVERSITY GALATI. Technical University of Cluj Napoca, Huawei, Coresi Shopping Resort, Cartier Hub Coresi, GLIA Group, Ingenius Hub Brașov and Eviden Romania also contributed.

The main aim of the conference was to develop the necessary IT skills to prepare young people for the ever-evolving digital age.

The "Digital Challenge" project focuses on the training of human resources in the IT field, facilitating the transfer of know-how from specialists to young people and promoting solid partnerships between the university environment, the pre-university environment and the economic environment.

The theme of this edition was "Digital Innovation for a Sustainable Future", a current topic that was explored in depth during the event.

The conference included two major events, held in two large cities of Romania:

Brașov: A conference was held in physical and online format, held in Cartier Coresi - Hall IAR 80. This part of the event included exciting and diverse sessions, such as presentations of the winning projects of the "Digital Challenge" International Competition, sessions held by brand speakers from the industry, presentations by partner companies and institutions, as well as interactive workshops.

Galați: A scientific communication session was held supported by the Danubius Galaţi University, the academic partner of this project. This session was aimed at university students, masters, PhD students and teaching staff, providing them with a valuable platform to share their research and findings in the field of digital innovation and sustainability.

Digital Challenge Conference 2023
More details about the event and the topics addressed will be available on the website:

We thank our Brașov representative and President of  "SUPORT REGIUNEA CENTRU" Association, Mrs. Silvia-Daniela Prohib for the invitation and congratulate her and her team for organizing an excellent Conference, we look, already, forward for the 2024 one!
We thank The Government of Flanders for its financial support which allowed us to participate in the event