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The Smart4Nature camp between July 19-21, 2024 - part of the project hashtag#SMART4NATURE: Education and Technology for the Protection of the Environment, a project financed by the Fund for the Environment - the Public Education and Awareness Program on Environmental Protection

🤝 30 children from the Secondary School in Śieuț, Bistrița-Năsăud county, joined the children from Vama Buzăului to participate for 3 days at the Information and Training Camp - with interactive learning activities (basic knowledge about IoT technology and the systematic monitoring required to generate decision reports); presentations, workshops and debates on 12 environmental issues.

The first step was the visit to the headquarters of the Vama Buzăului Municipality Town Hall, where we were welcomed by Mr. Mayor Tiberiu Nicolae Chirilaș, who presented us with the beautiful projects of the Vama Buzăului municipality.

We visited the Howling Waterfall and of course the "Valea Zimbrilor" Reserve in Vama Buzăului, where the hosts awaited us with nice surprises.

The educational part was not lacking - the lessons taught by our lecturers - lessons about - IoT technology (lecturer Alexandru LUCHIIAN - specialist in IoT technology), robotics (Ionuț FILEA - mechatronics engineer - robotics lecturer-Learnex) and of course - about microclimates and environmental protection (Conf. Ph.D. Eng. Elena Camelia MUȘAT - Faculty of Forestry and Forestry of Transilvania Brașov University).

The project is carried out by the "SUPORT REGIUNEA CENTRU" Association, represented by Silvia-Daniela Pohrib and representative or EAR-AER, with the support of the European Academy of Regions (AER) and in collaboration with the Vama Buzăului Municipality, Brașov County, represented by Mayor CHIRILAȘ Tiberiu Nicolae, and the Șieuț General School , Bistrita-Năsăud county, represented by Professor Ioan NEAGOȘ. 

We thank our hosts from Vama Buzăului Commune for their hospitality, especially Mr. Mayor Tiberiu Nicolae Chirilaș for his support in this project.

🔊 video link:

Thanks to everyone who contributed to the success of this camp!