The Government of Flanders has decided to continue and even increase its financial support for the European Academy of the Regions for the coming three years.
“It explicitly recognizes the contribution that EAR-AER makes to the dissemination of the regional approach principle and the support that the organization provides to regional and local authorities in developing their activities” stated EAR-AER President.
The activities of EAR-AER in the Western Balkan and the Eastern Partnership countries match with the support policy that the Government of Flanders wishes to pursue and will in the future be the subject of close contacts between Flanders’ diplomatic representatives in those regions and the members of EAR-AER .
EAR-AER is grateful for this token of confidence and commits to further promote its structural partner. The continued support of the Government of Flanders will allow EAR-AER to organise fact-finding missions to Moldova and Ukraine, among others, and to participate in the events organised by our members or partners, such as the Western Balkans Forum for Regional and Local Economic Development in Vlorë, Albania.
There are also several seminars envisaged in Brussels. For example, a seminar for the construction sector (3 – 4 March 2020), organised in cooperation with the Voka (Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Flanders) and the Albanian Government on the reconstruction of the Tirana-Durrës corridor (following the earthquake at the end of November 2019).