The fourth day of fact finding mission to Albania brought the EAR–AER team to Berat, a historical city, 2,413 years-old city, the pride of Albanian architecture which is under the protection of UNESCO, is located 120 km from Tirana. The city forms a wonderful combination of eastern and western cultures, costumes, traditions and outlook. Berat is a treasure-trove of Albanian history, culture and a testament to the country’s tradition of religious harmony.
The team was received in the premises of the regional council of Berat. The audience contained among others the vice–mayor of the city, Mr. Clirim Brisc, the vice–president of the region, Mr. Kastriat Rrapajm, the General Secretary of the prefectura Berat, Mr. Redin Kusta and the vice-mayor of Berat Municipality, Mrs. Teuta Mucgllava.
We proposed consequently the program in three parts.
Mr.Neacsu emphasised on the role EAR–AER could play as trainer of trainers in EU funds for projects, as partner for cross–border projects and in coach for the redaction of proposals in the framework of a call for proposals.
Mrs. Oncioiu gave concrete examples of public works realisations in her hometown Constanta, that where beneficial as well for the inhabitants, for the local businesses as for attracting tourists. She insisted also on the fact that already important funds are available for Albania in its pre–access stage and that good proposals have to fit in a specific way of thinking in order to be eligible for EU funds.
She insisted also that in this stage of pre–access the financial contribution of the local authorities in the entire proposal are quite limited.
The present mayors and councillors reacted very enthusiastically and guaranteed that EAR–AER will be called for train the trainer session in EU subventions and as coach for writing sustainable proposals.
Mr.Delcart finished then by briefly explaining the philosophy of the regional approach emphasising on the success of resilient regions. Resilience lies mostly in collaboration between parties, authorities for co–ordination and attracting financial means, civil society for bottom–up suggestions filling in the need of local inhabitants, larger businesses in their search for appreciation and fulfilment of good citizenship and universities and technical colleges in their educational role and research role for new opportunities.
Mr.Delcart was invited afterwards to give a lecture to last year pupils of the Babe Dude Karbunara gymnasium in the centre of Berat about entrepreneurship.