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EAR-AER Blog reaches 500th contribution!

With an article on district heating with a new biomass plant in Kosovo (, our blog about Circular Economy and Regional Development reached its 500th contribution...

La mulţi ani,România! Happy National Day,Romania!

Great Union Day (Romanian: Ziua Marii Uniri, also called Unification Day[1] or National Day) occurring on December 1 and celebrates the Union of Transylvania with Romania in 1918 History of Great Union Day Romania had declared its...

The City of Skopje became a full member of EAR-AER

Dear members, partners, friends, Following the successful EAR-AER fact-finding mission, we are pleased to inform you that the City of Skopje, the capital of the Republic of North Macedonia, became a full member of EAR-AER. We are looking forward to working closely...