The one day workshop was the third action of the project “Improvement of Women Entrepreneurship with the EU” that EAR-AER and ERSIAD Ankara are cooperating on, as part of the roll-out action on promoting female entrepreneurship within the European Project “Supporting Civil Society Dialog between EU and Turkey”.
Mr. Hüseyin AKSAKALLI – vice-president of the Chamber of Commerce of Erzincan welcomed the participants and presented the steps already undertaken by the CCI to stimulate women entrepreneurship.
Mr. Nelu Neacşu – EAR-AER president presented an overview of the meetings with EU-senior public officers of various directorate-generals, regional organisations and civil society representatives on EU-level that have been organised by EAR-AER for the ERSIAD delegates during their Brussels study visit in November 2019.
Mr. Louis Delcart – EAR-AER board member and visiting lecturer of the Brussels University, presented the first conclusions on the subjects and methods that in general are used in a process to enhance women entrepreneurship in a region. He referred also to his blog on which he published the outcome of the presented study.
Via teleconference the audience then received an overview done by Mrs. Nilay Küme, a study project about the situation of women entrepreneurship in Turkey. She referred also to the organisations in Turkey that are committed to support and extend women entrepreneurship in the country such as Kosgeb for small enterprises, Tübitak for ICT companies, Kadiger –
Women Entrepreneurs Association of Turkey, Angikad – the Ankara society for women entrepreneurs.
Mrs. Ionica Oncioiu – EAR-AER vice-president presented the various possibilities the EU offered in setting up specialized programs in the matter in its collaboration with Turkey.
Ms. Silvia-Daniela Pohrib – EAR-AER Representative in Brasov, presented how the Romanian women entrepreneurs are organized in a national confederation – CONAF, she presented also her own initiatives for support of women entrepreneurship “Asociaţia Suport” and for the entrepreneurial education of children, Learnex.
The event gathered more than 25 participants, representatives from public and private sector, academia and media, as well as CSOs and NGOs.
With a wrap-up of the day and a preparation scheme for the next workshop in Erzincan in 24th January 2020, the workshop was closed.