EIR board of directors congratulates Mr. Markku Markkula as the new CoR president and hopes for future co-operating.
EIR board of directors held a regular meeting on 10th February with presence of Mr. Jean-Marie Van Houwe, Honorary Member (Belgium) and discussed upcoming steps of EIR.

EIR publicizes the article about “European regional approach for developing economy and employment?“. Complete article can be found on https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/european-regional-approach-developing-economy-louis-delcart or in our posts.
EIR would like to thank to Mr. Jean-Marie Van Houwe, Honorary Member (Belgium); Mr. Mikael M Janson, Managing Director North Sweden European Office; Mr. Javier Fernández Panadero, Director , Office of Castilla-La Mancha in Brussels; Ms. Katarzyna Gonia, trainee Pomorskie Region, Poland; Ms. Zvonka Gverić, Croatian Regions Office; Mr. Bogdan Alexandru Chelariu, Coordinator, North-East Regional Development Agency Romania – Brussels Office and Mr. Silviu UNGUREANU-IUBITU, Brussels Representation of the Romanian Municipalities Association, for the participations in our informal meeting from the set called “Coffee of the Regions”. And we are looking forwards to our future cooperation!

EIR would like to thank to Mr. Andrei Buzatu – Executiv Director, Union of County Councils of the Republic of Moldova (U.C.R.M.); Ms. Ada Guźniczak, EU Policy Officer, Pomorskie Regional EU Office (Poland) ; Mr. Stanislaw Blaszkowski,Pomorskie Regional Office, Poland; Mr. François Moureau, Attaché – EU Regional policy and EU Transport policy at Wallonie-Bruxelles International; Mr. Horst Heitz, executive director of SME Europe of the EPP and Director EU Affairs of EUPAG (Germany) ; Ms. Cristina Olari, master student, University of Suceava (Romania) and Ms. Carolina Niculescu, master student, University of Suceava (Romania)for the participations in our informal meeting from the set called “Coffee of the Regions”. And we are looking forwards to our future cooperation!

EIR board of directors welcomed in Brussels Ms Cristina Olari and Ms Carolina Niculescu, Moldavian Erasmus master students at University of Suceava, Romania. We wish both of them good luck!

EIR would like to thank to Mr. Bogdan Alexandru Chelariu – from North-East Regional Development Agency Romaniaand Ms. Aneta Hájková from South Bohemia Region & Hradec Králové Region for the participations in our informal meeting from the set called “Coffee of the Regions”. And we are looking forwards to our future cooperation.

Tragedy in Paris – EIR strongly condemns such acts of terrorism and violence. We will continuously defend freedom of speech and the press in all the Regions around the world. Our thoughts are with the family and friends of those killed.#CharlieHebdo
EIR is welcoming our new trainee Ms. Fabiana Danili from Italy. We wish you good luck in Brussels!
Our best wishes for a great Christmas and New Year full of blesses and satisfactions. Merry Christmas and a prosper New Year! Team of EIR.
EIR Board of the directors would like to get to know you, therefore we organize from January 2015 a serie of events called “Coffee of the Regions” The idea is to get acquainted in an informal way: what are your needs, what can we do for you? This event will be held every 2-weeks time. First meeting will be on 13th January 2015 from 9.00 till 10.00. For more information please contact us via our mails or cells.
EIR is pleased to welcome Business Institut EDU a.s. (Czech Republic) as our partner.
Business Institut is the largest MBA school in the Czech Republic, which specializes in vocational education programs MBA (Master of Business Administration), BBA (Bachelor of Business Administration) and LLM (Master of Laws).
More information can be find on http://www.businessinstitut.cz/
EIR is pleased to welcome NECOFIX SPRL (Overijse, Belgium) as our partner.
NECOFIX is a Belgian General Building Services Company.
More Information can be find on http://necofix.be/necofix_eng.html
On 11th December EIR members of the board of directors were pleased to meet with Mr. Dr. Andrej A. Lepavcov – Ambassador of the Republic of Macedonia to the European Union and are looking forwards to our future cooperatin.
EIR is pleased to announce you, that Mr. Evžen Tošenovský – Member of the European Parliament (ECR) accepted to become the Honorary Member. More information can be found on http://www.tosenovsky.cz/
On the 27th November there was a regularly meeting of EIR Board of directors in Brussels.
During the meeting were present: Nelu Neacsu, Louis Delcart and Michaela Plonquet Straková.
The board was discussing new incoming members/partners and mainly upcoming meeting of EIR, which will be held in February 2015 under the name: “Regional approach”, Speakers TBC.
Agenda will be published asap on EIR website.
Next meeting of EIR Board of the directors will be held on 9th December 2014 in Brussels.
The European Institute of the Regions (EIR) held its first annual General Assembly Meeting on the 14th October in Ploiesti, Romania. During the meeting some decision were taken in order to welcome new members, partners, new members of the board, honorary members and to organised the activities by specialized departments.
The EIR has the pleasure to announce that:
The Board of Directors awarded the titles of honorary member to Mr Cristi Danilet (Romania) and to Mr Louis Delcart (Belgium).
Cristi Danilet is a Romanian judge since in 1998 and PhD. He was personal adviser to the Minister of Justice (2005-2007), represented Romania in the European Commission for the Efficiency of Justice of the Council of Europe (2005-2007) and currently serves as a member of the Romanian Judicial Council (since 2011). He is actively campaigning for rule of law and fight against corruption, for legal education of citizens and mediation. He is arenouwn promoter and defender of independence of justice, impartiality of judges and judicial integrity. Author of several books and articles on the judiciary, its independence and judicial anticorruption, he is also trainer in ” Judicial Ethics” at the National Institute of Magistracy.Mr Danilet is an experton the topic of international justice reform in Moldova and has been invited as a specialist in events that took place in Albania, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Montenegro, Panama, Poland, Tunisia, Turkey, Ukraine.
Louis Delcart is CEO of Cardone Consulting, Vice-President of the Belgian-Ukranian Chamber of Commerce and former Chairman of the non-profit organisation St Donatus Instellingen Merchtem, that manages the high schools and the adult evening classes St Donatus in Merchtem and Ternat. He is former president of the «European Marketing Confederation» and former Vice-President of the Belgian «Stima», the largest organization of Marketing Professionals in Belgium. Author of several books and articles about marketing and management of SMEs, he was speaker on several marketing congresses throughout Europe.
The Board of Directors decided to accept as members: the Municipality of Kavadarci (Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia), Municipality of Prijedor (Republic of Srpska and Bosnia and Herzegovina) and Municipality of Keçiören(Republic of Turkey), as partners: Europe for Diversity and Culture (Non-profit association, Chania, Crete, Greece),Widening Participation International (Non-profit association, Lushnja, Albania), EUPAG(Consulting Services Company,München, Germany), ADD Consult (Accounting Company agreed by IPCF, Brussels, Belgium), Animal Husbandry and Feed Production Institute of Agricultural University of Georgia ( University of Georgia) and VALDOR (company specialized in tourism services, Slanic City, Prahova County, Romania).
In order to give an overview of EU support towards efforts of making cities and regions more efficient, healthy, well managed, sustainable, clean and pleasant, the activities of EIR will be organised in thematic departments:
EU Funds – chair Ph.D. Ionica Oncioiu
Mobility, Transport and Environment – chair Mrs. Michaela Plonquet-Strakova
Justice and anti–corruption – chair Mr. Nelu Neacsu
Regional Development – chair Mr. Louis Delcart