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After several meetings, the chairmen of ALDA (European Association for Local Democracy) and EAR/AER (European Academy of the Regions), MM. Oriano Otočan and Nelu Neacsu, have decided yesterday, July 15th 2015, to join forces.

Both organisations aim the same target groups, local and regional authorities and local associations, both organisations are dedicated to promote the regional approach in regional development and good govermance and citizen participation at local level.

It has been decided that both organisations will offer their expertise and opportunites to the members of the other organization.

Established in 1999, ALDA has already 170 members and has its main office in Strasbourg and regional antennas in Vicenza and Brussels. The organization is doing projects on behalf of its members and is focused especially on the Western Balkan countries. It also has an Eastern-European partnership and a Mediterranean partnership. Activities in the European Union focus in particular on the promotion of Active European Citizenship. Activities in the Western Balkans and European Neighbourhood focus on good governance, citizen participation, European integration and decentralisation.

After half a year of activities, EAR/AER has more than 15 partners and members. It is located in Brussels and has expertise in the following fields: regional development (employment, administrative capacity building, education, health care, culture), mobility, transport and environment (clean energy, waste recycling), justice and anti-corruption and access to European funding programs. It started to build a reputation with its European Regional Debates featuring national or regional experts on matters in the domains mentioned hereabove.

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